Белорусский фонд мира Belarusian fund of peace


Of the public assosiation «The Belarusian Fund of Peace»

(Belarusian Fund of Peace)

Minsk 2017



1.1.​ Public association “The Belarusian Fund of Peace” (futher – the Fund of Peace) is a non-profit charity public assosiation, which aims for implementation of urgent peacekeeping and humanitarian tasks.

1.2.​ Full name of the Fund of Peace in Russian:

Общественное объединение «Белорусский фонд мира»;

Shorten name is Белорусский фонд мира;

Full name of the Fund of Peace in Belarusian:

Грамадскае аб’яднанне «Беларускi фонд мiру»;

Shorten name is Беларускi фонд мipy.

1.3.​ The Fund of Peace is a republican public association, whose activities extend to the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus.

1.4.​ The founding document of the Fund of Peace is the present Charter.

1.5.​ The Fund of Peace is guided in its activity by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, by the law of the Republic of Belarus «On public associations» and by other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and this Charter.

1.6.​ The Fund of Peace is based on the principles of legitimacy, volunteerism, self-reliance, equity and transparency.

1.7.​  The Fund of Peace interacts in its work with state bodies, labor collectives, public associations, trade unions, religious, commercial and other organizations, as well as individual citizens who share and support the goals and aims of the Fund of Peace.

1.8.​  The Fund of Peace has the right to join international public associations and unions established in the territory of foreign states. The Fund of Peace may maintain direct international contacts and relations, conclude relevant agreements and carry out other activities that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, including international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.

1.9.​  The Fund of Peace is a legal entity that has its own balance sheet, bank accounts in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency, stamp, letterhead with its requisites, as well as symbols registered in the prescribed manner.

1.10.​  The Fund of Peace is not responsible for the obligations of its members. The members of the Fund of Peace are not responsible for the obligations of the Fund of Peace.

1.11.​  Office work in the Fund of Peace is conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

1.12.​  Legal address (location of the governing body) of the Fund of Peace: 5, Storozhevskaya str., Minsk, 220029.



2.1.​ The subject of the activities of the Fund of Peace is to mobilize funds and public efforts for the implementation of programs aimed at peacekeeping, charitable and other humanitarian activities.

2.2.​ The goals of the Fund of Peace are to strengthen peace, friendship, mutual understanding and harmony between people and the nations, to promote and implement the ideas of charity and humanism.

2.3.​ In order to achieve these goals the Fund of Peace performs the following tasks:

2.3.1.​ establishes and maintains friendly relations with progressive foreign non-governmental organizations and individual citizens, as well as with Belarusians who live abroad;

2.3.2.​ содействует воспитанию граждан на принципах мира, дружбы, взаимопонимания и согласия, преодолению социальной разобщенности и национальной розни между людьми, укреплению единства белорусского общества;

2.3.3.​ promotes upbringing of citizens on the principles of peace, friendship, mutual understanding and harmony, overcoming of social dissent and national discord between people, strengthening of unity of the Belarusian society;

2.3.4.​ participates in work on perpetuating of memory of defenders of the Fatherland and victims of wars, and also veterans of work who made the big contribution to development of the republic; as well as taking part in construction, reconstruction and repair of monuments and obelisks, the maintenance of burial places of the dead;

2.3.5.​ takes care of improving the material living conditions of war and labor veterans, families of fallen soldiers and guerrillas, some other categories of citizens who need help;

2.3.6.​ supports citizens who have been victims of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes and other emergencies, refugees and displaced persons; helps to minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;

2.3.7.​ provides assistance to orphans, children left without parents, children with disabilities, the poor, large and single-parent families; supports activities aimed at enhancing the role of the family in the upbringing of the younger generation;

2.3.8.​ participates in realization of the most important educational and cultural programs, in development of national culture, national creativity and national crafts, preservation of historical and cultural heritage;

2.3.9.​ . promotes development of the Olympic and Paralympic movements, sports and improving and sports work, and also veteran, children’s and youth tourism;

2.3.10.​ participates in the activities of public health protection and promotion of healthy lifestyles, recovery of victims of the Chernobyl accident and other emergencies;

2.3.11.​ supports gifted children and young talents;

2.3.12.​ takes part in financing of campaigns and events, held in conjunction with veterans’, children’s, women’s and youth organizations, organizations of disabled persons, and other organizations whose activities are not contrary to the activities of the peace Foundation;

2.4.​ The Fund of Peace uses the following methods to achieve its statutory goals and objectives:

2.4.1. carries out promotion of the purposes, tasks and methods of the activity, forms wide asset of the Fund of Peace in the cities, areas, labor collectives, organizations, educational institutions and in the residence of citizens;

2.4.2.​ attracts from physical persons and legal entities of the Republic voluntary donations in cash and material form, including from foreign organizations and citizens, to finance its statutory activities;

2.4.3.​ keeps on their account, distributes, and consumes incoming cash, dispose of other material values which are in his possession;

2.4.4.​ distributes and gives out the arriving humanitarian aid, accepts from the population clothes and footwear suitable for further use and gives them to needy citizens;

2.4.5.​ organizes rehabilitation of children in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and in foreign countries, sends delegations to participate in international events;

2.4.6.​ involves in its work representatives of political parties, scientific and cultural figures, representatives of other public associations, representatives of religious organizations and other segments of the population;

2.4.7.​ in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, engages in publishing activities;

2.4.8.​ forms and contains the necessary workforce, attracting individuals to perform work under civil contracts;

2.4.9.​ directs to official business trips the employees of the Fund of Peace to perform tasks on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and in foreign countries;

2.4.10.​  carries out in accordance with the established procedure business activity if it is necessary for the authorized purposes for the sake of which the Fund of Peace is created, corresponds to these purposes and corresponds to a subject of activity of the Fund of Peace. Such activities may be carried out by the peace Fund through the formation and (or) participation in commercial organizations, unless otherwise provided by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus;

2.4.11.​  acquires and leases the property necessary for the implementation of statutory activities.

2.5.​ The Fund of Peace carries out all peacekeeping, humanitarian and social programmes through financial and material donations and sponsorship..

2.6.​ The Fund of Peace uses other forms and methods of work that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the present Charter to solve the statutory goals and objectives..



3.1.​ The Fund of Peace provides for fixed membership..

3.2.​ Members of the Fund of Peace may be citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, who have reached the age of 16, who recognize this Charter of the Fund of Peace and contribute to the realization of its goals and objectives. Members may also be citizens under the age of 16, subject to the written consent of their legal representatives..

3.3.​ Admission to the members of the Fund of Peace is carried out by the chairmen of the city or district organizational structures of the Fund of Peace on the basis of a written application of the incoming. If in the city, the area there is no organizational structure Of the Fund of Peace, the reception in its members can be carried out by the Chairman of regional organizational structure of the Fund of Peace. The refusal to be admitted to membership in the Fund of Peace may be appealed within one month to the higher organizational structures of the Fund of Peace.

3.4.​ Personal records of members of the Fund of Peace are maked the city and district organizational structure of the Fund of Peace. The lists of the members of the Fund of Peace and their applications for membership are transmitted to the regional organizational structures of the Fund of Peace.

3.5.​ The loss of membership of the Fund of Peace is being implemented:

3.5.1.​ at the request of a member of the Fund of Peace, according to his statement;

3.5.2.​ in connection with the exception of members of the Fund of Peace for non-compliance with the requirements of the present Charter or decisions of elected bodies or actions discrediting the Fund of Peace.

3.6.​ The decision to exclude the members of the Fund of Peace may abe made by the relevant regional organizational structure of the Fund of Peace or by the Board of the Fund of Peace.

3.7.​ Members of the Fund of Peace have the right:

3.7.1.​ to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Fund of Peace upon reaching the age of 18 years;

3.7.2.​ to make proposals to the governing bodies of the Fund of Peace for its activities and to participate in their deliberations;;

3.7.3.​ to be members of other public associations whose activities do not contradict the activities of the Fund of Peace;

3.7.4.​ to appeal within one month the decision of any сommittee of the Fund of Peace to a higher organizational structure of the Fund of Peace.

3.8.​ The members of the Fund of Peace must:

3.8.1.​ keep on the place of his residence wide publicity in the workforce and among the citizens of the goals and objectives of Fund of Peace and participate in their implementation;

3.8.2.​ to attract voluntary donations and sponsorship from individuals and legal entities to the Fund of Peace;

3.8.3.​ to fulfill the requirements of the present Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Fund of Peace.



4.1.​ The Fund of Peace is built on a territorial basis.

4.2.​ The urban and regional Fund of Peace organizational structures may be established in cities and regions and districts that bring together members of the Fund of Peace working in collectives located in the respective territory, as well as living in the territory of the city or district.

4.3.​ Organizational structures of the Fund of Peace can be created in the regions and in Minsk (on the rights of the regional). Regional and in Minsk (as regional) organizational structures can work on a regular basis, and city and regional organizational structures of Fund of Peace work on a voluntary basis. In the absence of funds for the maintenance of the staff of the organizational structure by the decision of a higher authority, transferred to freelance work.

4.4.​ All governing bodies of the Fund of Peace and its organizational structures are elected.

4.5.​ Only members of the Fund of Peace who have reached the age of 18 may be elected to the governing bodies of the Fund of Peace and its organizational structures. The simultaneous occupation of a member of the Fund of Peace posts in the governing and control-auditing bodies of the Fund of Peace and its organizational structures. A similar rule applies to the organizational structures of the Fund of Peace.



5.1.​ The supreme body of the Fund of Peace is a Conference which shall be convened as necessary, but not less than once in five years. An extraordinary Conference may be convened at the request of the Boards of at least half of the regional, Minsk city including organizational structures, as well as on the initiative of the Board or of the auditing Commission of the Fund of Peace.

5.2.​ Conference of the Fund of Peace:

5.2.1.​ Approves the title and Charter of the Fund of Peace;

5.2.2.​ shall elect for a term of five years the governing body of the Fund of Peace, operating in the period between sessions (convocations) of the highest body of the Fund of Peace the leadership of the Fund of Peace;

5.2.3.​ elects for a period of five years the audit body of the Fund of Peace, which carries out an internal audit of the financial and economic activities of the Fund of Peace, as well as internal control over compliance of the activities of the Fund of Peace with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the present Charter;

5.2.4.​ hears and approves reports on the activities of the Board and the audit Committee of the Fund of Peace;

5.2.5.​ approves the main directions of the forthcoming activities of the Fund of Peace;

5.2.6.​ makes changes and (or) additions to the Charter of the Fund of Peace;

5.2.7.​ decides on the reorganization or liquidation of the Fund of Peace, unless otherwise is provided by the law;

5.2.8.​ takes other decisions obligatory for all bodies and members of the Fund of Peace.

5.3.​  The conference is attended by:

5.3.1.​ the delegates elected in regional (Minsk) organizational structures of the Fund of Peace;

5.3.2.​ the invited person (the personnel and the number of invited persons shall be determined by the Chairman of the Board of the Fund of Peace, heads of regional organizational structures).

5.4.​ The Fund of Peace conference shall be considered eligible if it was attended by at least 2/3 of the elected delegates. Decisions of the conference shall be made by a majority vote of the delegates present.

5.5.​ In the period between conferences the Fund of Peace is directed the Board of the Fund of Peace. The composition of the Board of the Fund of Peace included:

5.5.1.​ the chairmen of the regional (Minsk) organizational structures of the Fund of Peace elected to the Board for a period of five years on conferences organizational structures of the Fund of Peace by a simple majority vote of the delegates;

5.5.2.​ the members of the Fund of Peace, as determined at the conference, elected for a term of five years at the conference by a simple majority of delegates;

5.5.3.​ the Honorary Board members included on the Board indefinitely on the basis of an appropriate decision of the peace Fund of Peace.

5.6.​ The Board of the Fund of Peace:

5.6.1.​ elect for the positions from among its members for a term of five years and dismissed from positions or public duties the Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Fund of Peace;

5.6.2.​ elects the Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace;

5.6.3.​ makes changes and (or) additions to this Charter connected with change of the legal address of the Fund of Peace (location of governing body) or caused by changes in the legislation of Republic of Belarus;;

5.6.4.​ organizes and monitors the implementation of the decisions of the conference and the Board of the Fund of Peace;

5.6.5.​ approves the major programmes, work plans and activities of the Fund of Peace;

5.6.6.​ determines the order, date and place of the Fund of Peace conference, determines the quota of representation from regional (Minsk) organizational structures;

5.6.7.​ makes the decision on creation or liquidation of regional organizational structures;

5.6.8.​ claims symbols and awards of the Fund of Peace d;

5.6.9.​ decides on the exception from the Board of the Fund of Peace Board members. The basis for exceptions may be the facts of systematic absence of a member of the Board at Board meetings, ignoring a member of the Board of the requirements of the present Charter and (or) decisions adopted by the organs of the Fund of Peace, a Commission Board member misconduct that are not compatible with the status of member of the Board of the Fund of Peace, other circumstances testifying to impossibility of performance by the Board member of the Fund of Peace of their duties..

5.7.​ The decisions of the Fund of Peace Board are binding on all members and organizational structures of the Fund of Peace.

5.8.​ Board meeting (Plenum) of the Fund of Peace is considered competent if it was attended by the Chairman of the Board of the Fund of Peace and at least half of the members of the Board elected by the conference of the Fund of Peace.

5.9.​ Meetings of the Board of the Fund of Peace shall be held as necessary, but at least once a year.

5.10.​ Meetings of the Board of the Fund of Peace are chaired by the Chairman of the Board.

5.11.​ Decisions of the Board shall be made by a majority vote of the members of the Board of the Fund of Peace In case of equality of votes the vote of the Chairman of the Board is decisive. Honorary members of the Board can participate in the work of the Board with the right of consultative vote, not taken into account in the calculation of votes in the voting.

5.12.​ The Bureau of the Board directs the ongoing work of the Fund of Peace between Board meetings. The quantitative composition of the Board and the procedure for the election determined by the Board of the Fund of Peace.

5.13.​ Bureau of the Fund of Peace Board:

5.13.1.​ organizes and monitors the implementation of decisions of the plenums and the Bureau of the Board;

5.13.2.​ approves the work plans, actions and activities of the Fund of Peace;

5.13.3.​ approves plans of incomes and expenses, staffing, regulations on remuneration and bonuses of employees of the Fund of Peace, as well as their duties;

5.13.4.​ decides on the convocation of the plenum of the Board, arrange for their preparation and conduct;

5.13.5.​ hears reports on the work of regional offices, city and district organizations of the Fund of Peace;

5.13.6.​ makes the decision on early termination of powers of chairmen of city, district, regional offices of Fund of Peace. The grounds for early termination of powers may be: the Chairman ignoring the requirements of this Charter and (or) decisions taken by the bodies of the Fund of Peace, including: failure to comply with the decisions on the implementation of programs, actions agreed at the conference, the plenary session of the Board or meeting of the Board of the Fund of Peace, the misconduct, not compatible with the status of the Chairman of the municipal, district, regional branch of the Fund of Peace, and other circumstances testifying to impossibility of performance by the Chairman of the municipal, district, regional offices of their duties;;

5.13.7.​ in the case of a decision on early termination of powers of chairmen of city, district and regional offices of the Fund of Peace, the Bureau of the Board at the same meeting lays the duties of the Chairperson of the relevant city, district, regional branch of the Fund of Peace the Deputy Chairperson of the relevant city, district, regional branch of the Fund of Peace. The Deputy Chairperson of the relevant city, district, regional office of the Fund of Peace, acting President, the relevant municipal, district, regional office of the Fund of Peace, implements the specified authority until the election of a new Chairman of the municipal, district, regional branch of the Fund of Peace in the manner prescribed by this Charter or the resumption by the decision of the Board of the Fund of Peace of office of the previous President (at the request of the relevant organizational structure);;

5.13.8.​ the decision on early termination of powers of the Chairman of city, district, regional office of Fund of Peace is brought to the attention of the Chairman whose powers are terminated, and the corresponding organizational structure by the direction of the copy of the decision of Board Bureau of Fund of Peace. Upon receipt of the decision of the Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace on early termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Board of the relevant organizational structure, it is entitled to re-election of the Chairman of the Board of the organizational structure or to send to the Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace additional justification (petition) in support of the Chairman whose powers are prematurely terminated.;

5.13.9.​ in case of double refusal in satisfaction of the petition of the organizational structure for support of the Chairman whose powers are prematurely terminated, the Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace has the right to dissolve the Board of the organizational structure and appoint an extraordinary conference of the organizational structure;;

5.13.10.​ generalizes and extends the positive experience of the organizations of the Fund of Peace;

5.13.11.​ makes decisions on rewarding and encouragement of employees and activists of Fund of Peace, as well as individuals and legal entities who have made a great contribution to the development of peace movement, humanism, charity;

5.13.12.​ creates the commissions on various issues of activities of the Foundation of the world, hears and approves their reports;

5.13.13.​ approves the composition of delegations sent on business trips to foreign countries;

5.13.14.​ makes decisions on creation and liquidation of commercial organizations of the Fund of Peace, approves their charters;

5.13.15.​ develops and approves samples of seals, stamps and forms, symbols of the Fund of Peace;

5.13.16.​ considers and resolves other issues of the Fund of Peace.

5.14.​ The decisions of the Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace, within their competence, are binding on all members and organizational structures of the Fund of Peace.

5.15.​ The Bureau of the Fund of Peace Board is chaired by the Chairman of the Board. Meetings of the Bureau of the Board shall be held as necessary, but at least quarterly, and shall be deemed competent if more than half of the members of the Bureau are present. Decisions are made by a majority vote of the Board Bureau members present at the meeting. The Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace, regional offices, in special cases, for efficiency can make decisions by questioning its members.

5.16.​ During the period between the meetings of the Bureau of the Board, the Fund is chaired by the Chairman of the Board, who:

5.16.1.​ concludes contracts on behalf of the Fund of Peace, is the manager of the funds and assets of the Fund of Peace within the limits defined by the Bureau of the Fund of Peace;

5.16.2.​ appoints and dismisses workers of the device of the Fund of Peace and directs the work;

5.16.3.​ coordinates the draft regulations of organizational structures;

5.16.4.​ coordinates staffing, as well as provisions on remuneration and bonuses of employees, organizational structures, install in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Republic of Belarus, the salaries of employees, and for the chairmen (Vice-Chairmen) of the organizational structures of the allowances to the salaries;

5.16.5.​ coordinates nominations of persons nominated for election to the post of chairmen of regional (and Minsk city) the organizational structures of the Fund of Peace;

5.16.6.​ agrees candidates of the persons appointed to positions of chief accountants of organizational structures of the Fund of Peace;

5.16.7.​ coordinates the provision of the chairmen of the organizational structures of leave, payment of bonuses, allowances for rehabilitation, financial aid and other payments;;

5.16.8.​ establishes system and the order of providing the necessary reporting, considers acts of audits and approves acts of transfer of material values and inventories, and also acts on write-off of property;

5.16.9.​ represents, without a power of attorney, the interests of the Fund of Peace in state bodies, in relations with commercial and non-commercial organizations, as well as in relations with individuals;

5.16.10.​ considers and resolves other issues of the current activities of the peace Fund.

5.17.​ The Chairman of the Board issues orders on the issues of activity.

5.18.​ In the temporary absence of the Chairman of the Board of the Fund of Peace, its duties, the first Deputy Chairman appointed by the Chairman of the Board of the Fund of Peace.

5.19.​ The Fund of Peace audit Committee is the oversight body of the Fund.

5.20.​ The Fund of Peace audit Committee shall be composed of at least three members of the Fund of Peace, elected at the conference by a simple majority of delegates to the Fund of Peace.

5.21.​ The audit Commission shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among its members. The control and audit Commission carries out inspections (audits) on its own initiative, as necessary, but at least once every five years..

5.22.​  Audit Commission of the Fund of Peace:

5.22.1.​ exercises control over the implementation of this Charter and the decisions of the conferences of the Board of the Fund of Peace, as well as the compliance of the activities of the Fund of Peace to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

5.22.2.​ conducts inspections and audits of financial and economic activities of the Fund of Peace, its organizational structures and commercial organizations created by the Fund of Peace.

5.23.​ Based on the results of audits (audits), the audit Commission shall draw up an act of audits (audits), which shall be brought to the attention of the Board of the Fund of Peace.

5.24.​ Decisions of the Board of the Fund of Peace, the Bureau of the Board, Chairman of the Board may be appealed by the member of the Fund of Peace by filing an application in the Supreme body of the Fund of Peace (conference). Notices of appeal against decisions included in the agenda and considered at the next conference of the Fund of Peace.



6.1.​ Regional (Minsk city) branch of the Fund of Peace are the organizational structures of the Fund of Peace and are created in the presence of organizational structures of the Fund of Peace in most cities and districts of the respective region and the city of Minsk.

6.2.​ The highest organ of the organizational structure is the conference, which is convened as necessary, but at least once every five years. An extraordinary conference may be convened at the request of at least half of the boards of the city and district organizational structures of the Fund of Peace, and at the initiative of the management Board organizational structure of the auditing Commission of the organizational structure, the decision of the parent bodies of the Fund of Peace.

6.3.​ Organizational structure conference:

6.3.1.​ hears and approves reports on the activities of the management Board of the organizational structure and the control and audit Commission of the organizational structure;

6.3.2.​ elects for a period of five years the governing body of the organizational structure performing during the period between meetings (convocations) of the Supreme body of the organizational structure management of its activity;

6.3.3.​ elects for a period of five years control and auditing body of the organizational structure;

6.3.4.​ approves the main directions of the forthcoming activities of the organizational structure of the peace Fund;

6.3.5.​ adopts decisions binding on the organs of the organizational structure and the members of the Fund of Peace therein.

6.3.6.​ elect delegates to the Fund of Peace conference;

6.3.7.​ considers and solves other issues of the organizational structure.

6.4.​ The conference shall be deemed competent if not less than 2/3 of the elected delegates are present, decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of the delegates present.

6.5.​ In the period between conferences, the activities of the institutional structure should be managed by the Board (the governing body of the organizational structure).

6.6.​ The Board organizational structure:

6.6.1.​ elects and relieves from positions or public duties the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman of Board of organizational structure.

6.6.2.​ organizes and controls the implementation of decisions of the conference of the Fund of Peace, the Board of the Fund of Peace, the office of the Board of the Fund of Peace, the orders of the Chairman of the Board of the Fund of Peace, as well as relevant decisions of the organs of the organizational structure;

6.6.3.​ claims the main program activities the organizational structure appropriate and not contrary to the decisions taken by the conference of the Fund of Peace, Board of the Fund of Peace and of the Board of the Fund of Peace;

6.6.4.​ approves the work plans and organizational structure appropriate and not contrary to the decisions taken by the conference of the Fund of Peace, Board of the Fund of Peace and of the Board of the Fund of Peace;

6.6.5.​ defines the procedure and agenda of the conference of the organizational structure, sets the rules of representation and the order of election of delegates to the conference of the organizational structure;

6.6.6.​ considers and resolves other issues of the activity.

6.6.7.​ Meetings of the Board (Plenums) of the organizational structure are held as necessary, but at least once a year. The meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of the organizational structure. The order of business of the Board organizational structure and the accounting of votes determined by the Board of organizational structure. A Board meeting is considered competent if more than half of the Board members were present. Decisions are made by a majority vote of the Board members present at the meeting.

6.7.​ The current organizational structure of the Fund of Peace is managed by the Bureau of the Board between Board meetings (plenary). The quantitative composition of the Bureau and the procedure for the election determined by the Board of the organizational structure of the Fund of Peace.

6.8.​ The Board of the regional branch:

6.8.1.​ organizes and controls the implementation of decisions of plenary meetings and of the Board of the Department, as well as the parent bodies of Fund of Peace;

6.8.2.​ approves plans of the monetary income and expenses, the staff list, regulations on compensation and awarding of employees of organizational structure, and also their job responsibilities;

6.8.3.​ hears reports on the work of the boards of city and regional organizational structures of the Fund of Peace;

6.8.4.​ makes decisions on allocation of money for the main activity of organizational structure and acquisition of property if the size of them per one action exceeds 20 base rates;

6.8.5.​ generalizes and distributes positive experience of organizations and activists of the Fund of Peace;

6.8.6.​ considers acts of audits and checks, approves acts of transfer of material values and inventories, and also acts on write-off of property;

6.8.7.​ forms commissions on various issues of organizational structure, hears and approves their reports;

6.8.8.​ makes decisions on awarding and promoting of employees and members of the regional branch of the Fund of Peace;

6.8.9.​ approves the composition of delegations on official business.

6.9.​ The activities of the Bureau of the Board of the regional branch is headed by the Chairman of the Board of the Department. Meetings of the Bureau of the Board shall be held as necessary, but at least once a quarter and shall be deemed competent if more than half of the members are present. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the members of the Bureau present at the meeting.

6.10.​ In the period between Board meetings the activities of the institutional structure of the Fund of Peace headed by the Chairman of the Board, who:

6.10.1.​ is the manager of money of organizational structure taking into account provisions of this Charter not contradicting to the legislation;

6.10.2.​ appoints and dismisses staff members of the organizational structure and supervises their work;

6.10.3.​ represents the interests of the organizational structure in state bodies, public and private organizations, as well as in relations with individuals;

6.10.4.​ considers and solves other issues of the organizational structure.

6.11.​ The Chairman of the Board of the organizational structure issues orders on the issues of activity.

6.12.​ In the temporary absence of the Chairman of the Board of the organizational structure, his duties are performed by the Deputy Chairman.

6.13.​ The audit Board or auditor shall be the oversight body of the organizational structure of the Fund of Peace.

6.14.​ In electing the audit and control Commission, it shall be composed of at least three members of the Fund of Peace, elected at the conference by a simple majority of delegates. The audit Commission of the organizational structure of the peace Fund shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from among its members.

6.15.​ The control and audit Commission (auditor) shall carry out audits (audits) on its own initiative, as necessary, but at least once a year..

6.16.​  Control and audit Commission (auditor) of the organizational structure:

6.16.1.​ exercises control over the implementation of this Charter, the decisions of conferences, plenums of the Board of the organizational structure of the Fund of Peace;

6.16.2.​ conducts inspections of financial and economic activity of the organizational structure;

6.16.3.​ check the work of city and regional organizational structures of the Fund for peace;

6.17.​ Regional (Minsk city) organizational structures of the Fund of Peace can be endowed with the rights of a legal entity, are entitled to have accounts in banks in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency, stamp, letterhead with its name, carry out their activities on the principles of self-financing and bear the results of their activities material and other responsibility.

6.18.​ The decisions of the Regional (Minsk city) organizational structures can be appealed by a member of the peace Fund by submitting an application to the Bureau of the peace Fund. Applications for appeal of decisions shall be considered within 30 days from the date of receipt.



7.1.​ City and district organizations of the world are created when a city or area is not less than 10 members of the Fund of Peace.

7.2.​ The highest organ of the organizational structure is the conference, which is convened as necessary, but at least once every five years. An extraordinary conference may be convened at the request of at least half of the boards of the city and district organizational structures of the Fund of Peace, and at the initiative of the management Board organizational structure of the auditing Commission of the organizational structure, the decision of the parent bodies of the Fund of Peace.

7.3.​ Organizational structure conference:

7.3.1.​ elects for a period of five years the governing body of the organizational structure performing during the period between meetings (convocations) of the Supreme body of the organizational structure management of its activity;;

7.3.2.​ elects for a period of five years control and auditing body of the organizational structure;

7.3.3.​ hears and approves reports on the activities of the Board and the audit Committee of the organizational structure;

7.3.4.​ approves the work plans and organizational structure appropriate and not contrary to the decisions taken by the conference of the Fund of Peace, Board of Fund of Peace and of the Board of the Fund of Peace;

7.3.5.​ adopts decisions binding on the organs of the organizational structure and the members of the Fund of Peace therein.

7.3.6.​ elects delegates to the regional conference of the Fund of Peace;

7.3.7.​ considers and solves other issues of the organizational structure.

7.4.​ The conference shall be deemed competent if not less than 2/3 of the elected delegates are present, decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of the delegates present.

7.5.​ In the period between conferences, the activities of the institutional structure managed by the Council (the governing body of the organizational structure).

7.6.​  Board city and district organizations of the Fund of Peace:

7.6.1.​ in the period between conferences, directs the activities of city, district organizational structure of the Fund of Peace;

7.6.2.​ organizes the implementation of decisions taken by the organizational structure conference and higher governing bodies of the Fund of Peace;

7.6.3.​ shall elect from its members a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and frees them from performance of their duties;

7.6.4.​ organizes the practical realization of the goals and objectives of the Fund of Peace in the city and district;

7.6.5.​ manages the activities of the members of the Fund of Peace, provides them with methodological and practical assistance in the work;

7.6.6.​ determines the agenda, date and procedure of the conference of the organizational structure and organizes its holding;

7.6.7.​ organize the involvement of voluntary donations to the Fund of Peace;

7.6.8.​ petitions before regional office for rewarding of the best members of the Fund of Peace;

7.6.9.​ considers other issues within its competence of organization activity.

7.7. Board meetings are held as necessary, but at least once a year. The quantitative composition of the Board and the procedure for its election is determined by the conference of the city and district organizational structure of the Fund of Peace. The Board meeting shall be deemed competent if more than half of the Board members are present, decisions shall be made by a majority vote of those present.

7.8.​ In the period between Board meetings the activities of the institutional structure of the world Foundation headed by the Chairman of the Board, who:

7.8.1.​ manages the current work of the Board, chairs its meetings;

7.8.2.​ organizes the implementation of decisions of the Board of the organization and higher bodies of the Fund of Peace;

7.8.3.​ directs the work of the members of the Fund of Peace;

7.8.4.​ keeps personal records of members of the Fund of Peace;

7.8.5.​ represents the interests of the organizational structure in state bodies, public and private organizations, as well as in relations with individuals;

7.8.6.​ considers and solves other issues of the organizational structure.

7.9.​ The Chairman of the Board of the organizational structure issues orders on the issues of activity.

7.10.​ In the temporary absence of the Chairman of the Board of the organizational structure, his duties are performed by the Deputy Chairman..

7.11.​ The audit body of the organizational structure of the peace Fund is the auditor.

7.12.​ Auditor of the organizational structure:

7.12.1.​ verifies compliance with this Statute and the decisions of conferences, as well as higher organizational structures of the Fund of Peace;

7.12.2.​ checks completeness and timeliness of transfers of the attracted voluntary donations to the settlement account of organizational structure, and also use of money by organizational structure.

7.12.3.​ The decisions of the bodies of the city and district organizations of the Fund may be appealed by a member of the Fund of Peace by submitting an application to the Board of the relevant higher regional (Minsk city) organizational structure. Applications for appeal of decisions shall be considered within 30 days from the date of receipt.



8.1.​ The Fund of Peace may own any property necessary for the material support of the activities provided for in this Charter, except for objects which, according to the law, may only be owned by the state.

8.2.​ The Fund of Peace is the owner of the property of the Fund of Peace, including the property owned by the organizational structures of the Fund of Peace. Organizational structure of the Fund of Peace has the right to dispose of his property in the limits established by the Board of the Fund of Peace.

8.3.​ The funds of the Fund of Peace are formed by:

8.3.1.​ receipts from charitable actions, lectures, exhibitions, sports and other actions which are carried out for the authorized purposes;

8.3.2.​ income from commercial activities carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

8.3.3.​ voluntary donation;

8.3.4.​ other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

8.4.​ Donations to the Fund of Peace received from legal entities and individuals in the regions are credited to the accounts of regional (Minsk city) organizational structures. The accounting of donations having purpose is carried out separately from other means.

8.5.​ Regional (Minsk city) organizational structures transfer the attracted donations in the sizes established by the decision of the Bureau of the Board of the Fund of Peace to the statutory activities of the Fund of Peace d.

8.6.​ The funds remaining in the possession of the organizational structure shall be used for their basic and administrative activities (not more than 30 per cent), unless otherwise determined by the decision of the Plenum of the Board of the Fund of Peace. Expenses related to the main activities of the organizational structure include: expenses related to holding conferences of the Fund of Peace, plenums of the Board, Bureau of the Board, reception of delegations, organization of educational, cultural and other events by the Fund of Peace, encouragement of members of the Fund of Peace and other persons who have made a significant contribution to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Fund of Peace.

8.7.​ The funds and other assets of the Fund of Peace shall not be redistributed among members of the Fund of Peace and shall be used only for the purpose of fulfilling its statutory purposes and objectives. The Fund of Peace may use its funds for charitable purposes..



9.1. The Fund may have the following symbols: flag, anthem, emblem, badge, pennant, lapel pins. The specified symbolics is registered in accordance with the established procedure.

9.2. Persons who have made significant contributions to the work of the Fund of Peace, can be encouraged in the manner determined by the Board of the Fund of Peace, or by the management Board organizational structure of the Fund of Peace



10.1. Reorganization of the Fund of Peace can only be made by the decision of the supreme body of the Fund of Peace in the order established by the legislation.

10.2. The Fund of Peace can be transformed into a political party, whose state registration is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

10.3. The elimination of the Fund of Peace is under way:

10.3.1. according to the decision of the supreme body of the Fund of Peace;

10.3.2. by decision of the court in cases provided for by law.

10.4. The Fund of Peace may be liquidated by decision of the Fund of Peace conference if at least 2/3 of the delegates present vote in favour..

10.5. To resolve issues related to the liquidation of the peace Fund, a liquidation Commission (liquidator) should be created.

10.6. Upon liquidation of the Fund of Peace by the decision of the Fund of Peace conference within three working days from the date of the decision on liquidation, the liquidation Commission shall notify in writing the relevant registration body with a copy of such decision, indicating in it the information on the procedure and term of liquidation, appointment of the liquidation Commission, its composition.

10.7. Information that the Fund of Peace is in the process of liquidation, the order and timing of the application of the requirements of its creditors are placed in the global computer network Internet on the official website of the legal scientific and practical magazine «Justice of Belarus», followed by publication in the journal in the manner prescribed by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

10.8. Money and other property of the liquidated Fund of Peace after full satisfaction of all requirements of creditors are used for the purposes provided by this Charter if such money and other property according to legal acts of Republic of Belarus are not subject to the address in the income of the state.