Белорусский фонд мира Belarusian fund of peace
04.06.2019 / Администратор

Parade of baby carriages was held in Grodno

May 31 on the Central streets of the city was a festive revival. Young mothers, as well as representatives of enterprises, organizations, educational institutions took part in the parade of strollers «Under the sail of love».

Carriage parade is organized by the administration of Leninsky district of Grodno together with the Belarusian Fund of peace and Belore Rus. The current one is the fifth. In 2019, the highlight was the prams, the design of which is associated with the landmark date of this year — the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus.

The start of the parade is given on the Soviet area. Participants in a bright column accompanied by a brass band and fairy-tale characters walked along the main street of the city to the Park named after Gilbert. And the main events have already taken place there. There are many large families among the parade participants. Grodno Natalia AROD talks about his «invention»:

— The idea to make a tank out of a stroller appeared after the victory Day celebration. My grandfather passed all war, was a partisan, and today in a family three sons grow. The youngest is only 10 months old. I am sure that they will grow up worthy defenders of the Motherland. At the very least, we will educate them, instilling a sense of duty and pride for the country in which they live.

Head of the Department of ideological work, culture and youth Affairs of the administration of Leninsky district, Chairman of the Leninsky district of Grodno organization of the Belarusian peace Fund Irina Ravlushevich notes the skill and imagination with which parents came to the conversion of «vehicles»:

— You can see for yourself: each stroller is a small work of art! The parade of strollers is now attended by 72 couples. That’s a record number. It is pleasant that citizens showed such activity and ingenuity.

Hundreds of curious eyes watched the colorful procession, and selfie lovers simply took the soul, taking pictures for every taste and color. On motion the variegated columns and then were heard the cheers of encouragement — numerous spectators lined up throughout the Sovetskaya pedestrian street. And the mass launch of balloons by young mothers into the clear may sky caused a flurry of applause.

In the Park named after Gilbert charge of vivacity at the same time with a great mood provided contests and interactive playgrounds. A concert dedicated to the family Day was held on the summer stage until late in the evening. All participants of the parade received gifts.